
Many clients come to see Leonie after a visit to their General Practitioner who has suggested having a Better Access Mental Health Care Plan, which allows eligibility for a Medicare rebate and helps with the out of pocket costs of psychology sessions. Many private health insurance companies also offer a rebate.

Although your GP will specify a diagnosis for the plan such as depression or anxiety, Leonie works with clients presenting with a range of issues. Such as:

  • trauma
  • suicide ideation
  • anxiety disorders including panic attacks
  • depression and adjustment disorder
  • PTSD
  • grief and loss
  • stress and anger management
  • relationships issues
  • bullying, work stress
  • work injury (Workers Compensation cases) and Motor vehicle accidents
  • sexuality and transgender issues
  • Couples counselling
The medical model which psychology is a part of, is focussed on disease and not well being and rarely on preventative care. Whatever are the issues you are seeking help for, there is also an opportunity to explore and make changes in both your inner and outer worlds in a supportive and professional space designed for you.

Through exploring your past and current life story or narrative, you become aware of unhelpful outdated thoughts and beliefs that effect how you feel and behave. These beliefs are usually formed when we are children and need to be examined and updated to who you are today and also who you want to be, in line with your values.

Leonie’s focus in your therapy together is your empowerment: helping you “change your mind” and learn highly effective strategies. These strategies can become life-long tools to help you navigate life’s challenges. Skills such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), helps you understand the connection between your thoughts feelings and behaviour. Emotional Freedom Technique, Mindfulness, relaxations skills, meditation and Self Compassion skills enable you to develop a healthy relationship with yourself which then flows out positively to your other relationships and all aspects of your life.